Permanent Mobile Number, Approved by Duterte
Permanent Mobile Number, Approved by Duterte

In other countries in the West like Canada and the United States of America, they can port their numbers into other carriers or provide...

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Duterte signs universal healthcare bill into law
Duterte signs universal healthcare bill into law

President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday signed into law a landmark bill that guarantees all Filipinos equal access to quality and affordable...

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President Rodrigo Duterte signs the Expanded Maternity Leave Law
President Rodrigo Duterte signs the Expanded Maternity Leave Law

Just In - President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a bill that will grant additional leave benefits for working mothers, the Palace co...

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DEPED: Beki Language, maaaring gamiting medium sa pagtuturo
DEPED: Beki Language, maaaring gamiting medium sa pagtuturo

Image source: DepEdTambayan CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO  news from TV5 Iminungkahi ng Department of Education (DepEd)  na isama na sa pagt...

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Apply For Jobs For Japan (with POEA Approved Job Orders)
Apply For Jobs For Japan (with POEA Approved Job Orders)

The following job orders have been approved by POEA for recruitment to Japan.  SEE ALSO:  PREVIOUS JOB ORDERS ARE AVAILABLE  JAPAN J...

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